Strength & Skill Class Cycles
The Strength & Skill class cycles have evolved over the past 12 years, with yearly adjustments and continuous learning to enhance the program for the following year.
For optimal results, aim to attend 3 Strength & Skill classes per week. These classes are scheduled from Monday to Wednesday, with additional catch-up classes on Thursday and Friday if you happen to miss a session. Alternatively you can utilise Open Gym time to make up for any missed classes.
To complement your training, it’s recommended to incorporate either a PureFit or WODFit class. This combination will provide you with a solid base, ensuring you achieve a well-rounded fitness foundation.
Our 12-month cycle, the Strength & Skill program is carefully designed to take you at any fitness or skill level to become a better version of yourself.
This is achieved through a progressive approach covering weightlifting, gymnastics, endurance, and skill development. Each cycle builds upon the last, with every exercise that we do being part of the puzzle for a specific purpose.
The program begins with 2 cycles focused on building strength and preparing you for the subsequent learning cycles.
These learning cycles break down and master techniques such as the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Kipping HSPU, Kipping Pull up, Bar & Ring Muscle up.
Once the proper techniques are learnt, the program transitions into a high-volume cycle. Here, members learn to perform more repetitions of these movements at a faster pace and with greater efficiency.
The final phase of the annual cycle focuses on maintaining the high-skill movements that can now be done with intensity while learning all of the odd movements such as Rope Climbs, Handstand Walks, Tyre Flips, Sledgehammer hits, and Plyometrics.
Cycle 1
Phase 1 - Building Strength
8 weeks from May - June
During this cycle we’ll dedicate 1 week of testing, followed by 6 weeks of focused training and concluding with another 1 week of testing.
This program highlights Hypertrophy training for Back Squats, Bench Press, and Deadlifts, which are great for building strength endurance and for fat loss.
In addition to these primary lifts, we incorporate accessory exercises to target shoulder, hip, and core strength. Furthermore, working on improving speed and efficiency on Rowers, Skis, and Assault Bikes to enhance overall performance.
Cycle 2
Phase 1 - Building Strength
8 weeks from July - August
During this cycle we’ll dedicate 1 week of testing, followed by 6 weeks of focused training and concluding with another 1 week of testing.
Cycle 2 moves into a Power Cycle, focused on developing our top end strength for Front Squats, Strict Press and Clean Pulls to prepare you for Clean and Jerks in Cycle 3.
To complement these movements, accessory movements will be added to focus on strengthening the shoulders, hips & core.
Cycle 3
Phase 2 - Learning Technique
8 weeks from September - October
During this cycle we’ll dedicate 1 week of testing, followed by 6 weeks of focused training and concluding with another 1 week of testing.
Having developed strength in Cycle 2 for the clean and jerk specifically, proper techniques will be learnt for the Squat Clean and Split Jerk, which are done on separate days.
Strict gymnastics exercises will be introduced, such as strict pull ups, strict handstand push ups and strict toes to bar. This prepares you for the kipping variations in Cycle 4. Additionally overhead squat strength work will be incorporated to prepare you for snatches in Cycle 4.
Cycle 4
Phase 2 - Learning Technique
8 weeks from November - December
During this cycle we’ll dedicate 1 week of testing, followed by 6 weeks of focused training and concluding with another 1 week of testing.
Continuing to build on from what was learnt in Cycle 3, Cycle 4 transitions into combining the Clean & Jerk. Moreover, we advance our gymnastics training from strict movements to the kipping variations. With the strength gained from Overhead Squats in Cycle 3, you should now feel confident to delve into learning the Squat Snatch technique.
Cycle 5
Phase 3 - Building Volume
10 weeks from January - March
Having mastered the technical movements, it’s time to focus on increasing repetitions at a faster pace and performing under fatigue.
Cycle 6
Phase 4 - Functional Fitness
5 weeks from mid March - April
In this cycle, you will maintain the weightlifting and gymnastics which can now be done efficiently, as well as learning all odd movements such as Rope Climbs, Handstand Walks, Tyre Flips, Sledgehammer hits, Handstand Walk and Pistol Squats etc.
Additionally, Plyometrics will be incorporated to activate our fast-twitch fibers and engage in strongman-style workouts to enhance our functional strength for everyday life.